Used Allen-Bradley PenelView Plus 1500. No Power Supply.
Location: Jackson, MI
End Time: 12/02/2024 06:00 PM
Current Bid: $200.00
Used SEL-2411 Programmable Automation Controller.
Current Bid: $51.00
Lot of Allen-Bradley Automation Switches.
Current Bid: $57.00
Lot of 5 Hirschman Automation Rail Switches. RS30
Lot of 10 Hirschman Automation Rail Switches- RS20 and RS30
84" Microsoft Surface Hub- Model 1596, Includes 2 stylus pens and Floor Mount.
Current Bid: $1,000.00
Used Extron Rack Mount SW6 HDMI Switcher.
End Time: 12/06/2024 08:39 AM
Current Bid: $11.00
Pallet of 50 Used Havis DS-PAN-721 and 701 Mobile Docks. 20 Power Supplies Included.
Current Bid: $301.00
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