Lot of Used Pipe Fusing Equipment.
Location: Jackson, MI
End Time: 12/02/2024 06:00 PM
Current Bid: $51.00
Lot of Used Pneumatic Tools.
Current Bid: $101.00
Lot of 6 Used Corded Electric Drills.
Current Bid: $21.00
Box of Hand Tools.
Current Bid: $62.00
Lot of 8 Tamco Carbide Speed Concrete Drill Bit 1&7/8" x 30".
Current Bid: $368.00
Lot of 17 Tamco Carbide Speed Concrete Drill Bit 1&1/8" x 30".
Current Bid: $730.00
Lot of 18 Tamco Carbide Speed Concrete Drill Bit 1&1/8" x 36".
Current Bid: $770.00
Lot of 12 Tamco Carbide Speed Concrete Drill Bit 1&7/8" x 36"
Current Bid: $516.00
Lot of 2 Used Drum Forklift Attachment.
Current Bid: $35.00
Skilsaw Model 537.
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