Catalog - Items Sold

1 Gaylord of Filter Gasket Material, Unknown Condition
ITEM041123100417898 5/16/2023
2 5/8 tubing (used)
2331-NEG 8/31/2023
26" - 183.2' (3 full joints) (6 pups ranging from 5.2' - 20.2') ~4,580 lbs.
4256-AREV 10/3/2024
36” .532”WT, X-65 FBE Coated - 4559.3' 125 pcs 920,978.6 lbs.
4191-AREV 10/3/2024
36” .625”WT, X-65 ARO Coated - 7281.7' 192 pcs 1,718,481.8 lbs.
4192-AREV 10/3/2024
Expired HDPE 4" Gas line pipe 500' rolls- Mt. Morris (5 in total)
4473-AREV 11/20/2024
Expired HDPE Gas line pipe- Mt. Morris
4368-AREV 10/30/2024
Expired HDPE Gas line pipe- Mt. Morris
4399-AREV 11/7/2024
Gas compression engine cylinder assembly
ITEM111022101128254 Clark (Dresser) 1/18/2023
Indirect Water/Gylcol Bath Heater
1444-POS T.E.RI 5/12/2023
Indirect Water/Gylcol Bath Heater
1445-ACSL T.E.R.I 5/12/2023
Indirect Water/Gylcol Bath Heater
1447-ACSL National 5/12/2023
Ingersoll Rand 38 KVT - Compressor Complete (1 unit)
3479-NEG Ingersoll Rand- 1963 5/9/2024
J.W. Williams
1446-AREV J.W.Williams 5/12/2023
Metal rack with bar stock (St. Clair Compressor)
4345-AREV 11/5/2024
Mid Michigan Pipe in total
4257-AREV 10/3/2024
Mid Michigan Pipe- difference (reference 4774)
4387-AREV 11/6/2024
Various Tubing (Marion, counts in description)
2623-AREV 10/23/2023
Various Tubing (St.Clair Comp, counts in description) sold as one lot
2624-AREV 10/23/2023
Equipment/Material Name SKU Manufacturer Created Date
1 Gaylord of Filter Gasket Material, Unknown Condition ITEM041123100417898 5/16/2023
2 5/8 tubing (used) 2331-NEG 8/31/2023
26" - 183.2' (3 full joints) (6 pups ranging from 5.2' - 20.2') ~4,580 lbs. 4256-AREV 10/3/2024
36” .532”WT, X-65 FBE Coated - 4559.3' 125 pcs 920,978.6 lbs. 4191-AREV 10/3/2024
36” .625”WT, X-65 ARO Coated - 7281.7' 192 pcs 1,718,481.8 lbs. 4192-AREV 10/3/2024
Expired HDPE 4" Gas line pipe 500' rolls- Mt. Morris (5 in total) 4473-AREV 11/20/2024
Expired HDPE Gas line pipe- Mt. Morris 4368-AREV 10/30/2024
Expired HDPE Gas line pipe- Mt. Morris 4399-AREV 11/7/2024
Gas compression engine cylinder assembly ITEM111022101128254 Clark (Dresser) 1/18/2023
Indirect Water/Gylcol Bath Heater 1444-POS T.E.RI 5/12/2023
Indirect Water/Gylcol Bath Heater 1445-ACSL T.E.R.I 5/12/2023
Indirect Water/Gylcol Bath Heater 1447-ACSL National 5/12/2023
Ingersoll Rand 38 KVT - Compressor Complete (1 unit) 3479-NEG Ingersoll Rand- 1963 5/9/2024
J.W. Williams 1446-AREV J.W.Williams 5/12/2023
Metal rack with bar stock (St. Clair Compressor) 4345-AREV 11/5/2024
Mid Michigan Pipe in total 4257-AREV 10/3/2024
Mid Michigan Pipe- difference (reference 4774) 4387-AREV 11/6/2024
Various Tubing (Marion, counts in description) 2623-AREV 10/23/2023
Various Tubing (St.Clair Comp, counts in description) sold as one lot 2624-AREV 10/23/2023